If you’ve been looking forward to Common Threads’ annual Harvest Dinner (squash soup, kale salad, roasted root veggies, apple crisp, good company… yum!) we’ve got some good news and some bad news for you.

First, the bad news: the Harvest Dinner as you have known it has ceased to exist. We had 10 good years of this event and it’s time for something new.

Now to the good news: instead of the harvest dinner, Common Threads will invest our energies into a number of smaller, more focused events.

For some, the focus will be on community building and skill building: bringing families together to enjoy healthy foods that they could easily make again at home.

For others, the focus will be on fundraising: inviting those of you who care deeply about connecting kids with healthy food to learn more about how your investment in Common Threads can make joyful food education possible for all kids in our community.

Do you want to join us for either a community/skill building event OR for a fundraising event?  Do you want to help make these events happen? Click here for more details.