Breakfast burrito ingredients

This recipe requires a heat source

Recommended materials: 2 skillets, knife, cutting board, measuring spoons (or one big spoon and one small spoon), measuring cups.

This recipe makes about 4 burritos.


  • 8 eggs, scrambled (tofu or beans optional subs)
  • ½ medium onion (finely chopped)
  • 3-4 cloves garlic (minced)
  • 2-3 cups potatoes (diced)
  • 1 cup salsa and/or yogurt
  • Greens (spinach, kale, chard, lettuce, etc.)
  • ½ tsp cumin
  • ½ tsp chili powder
  • 1 TBSP olive oil
  • 1 bunch cilantro (for garnish)
  • Tortillas (bought or make your own with 2 cups corn masa)


  1. Wash hands.
  2. Sauté olive oil, garlic, and onions on medium high heat for 2 to 3 minutes.
  3. Add potatoes, cumin, chili powder, salt and pepper. Cook for 15-20 minutes or until potatoes are soft.
  4. While the potato mixture is cooking, heat olive oil on medium heat and cook the eggs.
  5. Chop the greens.
  6. Top tortillas with potatoes, eggs, a handful of greens, salsa and/or yogurt. Garnish with cilantro.
  7. Enjoy!

Optional – Homemade Tortillas:

  1. Wash hands.
  2. Combine 4 cups of corn masa flour with 3 cups of water. Mix thoroughly for two minutes to form a soft dough.
  3. Roll into small balls (a little smaller than a golf ball).
  4. Line tortilla press with wax paper on both sides. Press dough balls, one at a time. Each ball will form a 5 inch diameter tortilla.
  5. Heat skillet on medium-high heat. Cook each tortilla for 30 seconds on each side, turning the tortilla 3 times. Keep tortillas warm, wrapped in a towel.

Eaten breakfast burrito

Esta receta hace aproximadamente 4 burritos.


  • 8 huevos, revueltos (tofu o frijoles opcional) 
  • ½ cebolla mediana 
  • 3-4 dientes de ajo 
  • 2-3 tazas de papas picadas
  • 1 taza de salsa y o yogur 
  • vegetales verdes (espinaca, lechuga, col rizada, acelga) 
  • ½ cucharadita comino 
  • ½ cucharadita chile en polvo 
  • 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva 
  • tortillas (opcional hecha a mano) 


  1. Lava las manos.
  2. Saltea aceite, ajo, y cebolla en fuego alto por 2 o 3 minutos.
  3. Añade papas, comino, chile en polvo, sal y pimienta. Cocine por 15-20 minutos o hasta que estén suaves y crujiente
  4. Mientras están cocinando las papas, aceite de oliva caliente y cocinar los huevos.
  5. Corte los vegetales.
  6. En las tortillas añade papas, huevos, vegetales, salsa o yogur. Decora con cilantro.
  7. ¡Disfrute!