When school’s out, it’s time for camp! The beautiful 5-acre grounds of the WWU Outback Farm is the perfect spot for exploring nature and healthy food.
From the beginning, Common Threads’ has been committed to never turning a child away for lack of funds. This year, 52 of our 196 campers received need-based scholarships, totaling over $7000 in scholarships awarded.
Supporters like you make it possible for all kids to have an outdoor summer camp and food education experience.
After a long winter cooped up indoors where admittedly, we didn’t get outside as much as we should have, I was pretty dismayed when spring rolled around and I had to cajole my daughter into coming outside to play. “It’s boring out here!”… “Can we go inside now?” (after 5 minutes)… “There are bugs out here! I don’t like bugs”… Fortunately, Common Threads camp jump-started her interest in being outdoors, and I’m happy to say that we made a habit of getting outside every day this summer. So much that now she lovingly waters and tends to her plants all by herself, has recorded a long list of bugs she collected throughout the summer, and I practically have to drag her into the house at bedtime, haha!
I love that Common Threads camp teaches our kiddos to be good stewards of the earth. I want my daughter to see that as an important value in her life as she grows up. To me, summer camp shouldn’t be “fancy”- it should be about disconnecting from everyday routines (and screens), trying new skills, and learning to live harmoniously in nature. That’s exactly what my daughter experienced at Common Threads camp. She came home covered in dirt, talking excitedly about eating new vegetables! Thank you for offering the opportunity for children in our community to experience this kind of nature-oriented camp!