Thanks to avid support from teachers, the school administration and the PTA, a garden site was born at Skyline in the fall of 2019. (Check out this post to read more about and see photos of the work party that started the Skyline garden). While we didn’t get to lead garden lessons the following spring (2020) due to pandemic school closures, we were able continue improving the garden during this time.

Digging of the new garden

The Skyline garden is a welcoming family- and community-friendly garden with gravel pathways and raised beds to increase accessibility. There are 10 raised beds altogether and a small orchard with 7 fruit trees, 2 plum trees, and 5 apple trees. In the fall of 2020 we installed a 3-bin composting system, which will not only benefit the garden but also support school garden lessons about waste and decomposers.


If you’d like a virtual tour of the garden, check out this video below to see the garden in winter: