As weeks turn into months of our new “Covid normal-not-normal”, Common Threads continues to look for ways large and small that we can sow seeds of hope and joy.
In particular we are:
- Tending (and expanding) school gardens so that we can harvest the produce to share with families in need (right now we’re delivering to a different Bellingham Public School emergency food distribution site every week to share the love as much as possible.)
- Supporting families in learning together about healthy food at home (everything from links to on line resources to our zoom classes)
Also in the works:
- “To Grow Boxes” – stay tuned for more information on patio gardens. These will be complete “just add water” garden kits focused on novice gardeners and will include large, durable fabric pots, soil, seeds, starts and instructions. Our intention is to offer To Grow boxes to low-income families for free and to families with more resources for a reasonable fee. More updates soon!
- Counter-top microgreens – who says that just because you’re trapped in isolation in an apartment, you can’t grow something delicious and nutritious? We’re ironing out the details for microgreen kits (again available for purchase by families with resources and for free for families without – to be distributed at existing school district and food bank food distribution sites.)
- And, of course, because we know this too shall pass, we continue to spend time on things like making sure that our next year cooking recipes align with the delicious meals being imagined and delivered by the Bellingham Public Schools Central Kitchen.
Safety first, of course. We will continue to closely monitor and follow guidance from the Whatcom County Health Department, including how to safely tend our school gardens so that the produce can be shared with hungry kids and families (see below for a couple of great photos of our team harvesting for distribution).
While we look forward to offering in person classes as soon as we’re able, right now the activities listed above continue to feel like the best way to love and support our community.
Stay Healthy. Breathe. Smile. Wash Your Hands!