Happy Valley Elementary

Students have gardened at Happy Valley since 2010, when the Happy Valley staff invested significant professional development time into creating a shared understanding of how the garden can serve as an outdoor classroom aligned with the core curriculum. When Happy...

Geneva Elementary

The Geneva Elementary School garden was established in 2010 with support from Common Threads, plus financial support from the PTA, and the hard work of many Geneva families who spent their weekends building the garden by hand. The garden is a small, tranquil place in...

Cordata Elementary

The Cordata School Garden was built in 2015 with support from Common Threads. It expanded the following year with the hard work and dedication of the Cordata PTA as well as the support of the Principal and Vice Principal. The Cordata Garden is a place of beauty,...
Spring Comes, and the Kids Supper Club Blossoms

Spring Comes, and the Kids Supper Club Blossoms

“I have been waiting all day for cooking class to start!” said Xavier, a 6th grader and student chef who lives in the Regency Park Apartments. During spring break, ten student chefs in grades 3rd to 6th who live at Regency Park enthusiastically worked together to cook...
Common Threads Farm Camp at The Outback

Common Threads Farm Camp at The Outback

His first day of Farm Camp, camper Xavier exclaimed, “My favorite part was making so many new friends!”… That’s our favorite part too! Farm Campers all enjoyed making new friends as part of their week-long adventure in cooking, eating, and...