Jun 30, 2018 | Recipes
This recipe requires a heat source Recommended materials: Skillet, cutting board, knife, peeler or grater (knife also works), spatula, tablespoon and teaspoon (or one big spoon and one small spoon), one cup measuring cup. Ingredients: 8 ounces of cooked rice noodles 3...
Jun 30, 2018 | Recipes
Ingredients 1 (28-ounce) can peeled plum tomatoes, no salt or herbs added 5 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 small white onion, peeled and cut in half Kosher salt Directions Wash your hands. Put a 3-quart saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the tomatoes, butter, onion...
Jun 25, 2018 | Recipes
Serves 10 preschoolers for snack Ingredients: Pack of six-inch corn tortillas (12+) Carrots (3) Sugar snap peas (20) Purple cabbage (2 cups) Yogurt (1 cup) Herbs (chives, dill) Garlic powder (two-three pinches, or ¼ tsp) Lemon juice (1 tsp) Salt (¼ tsp) Directions:...
Jun 25, 2018 | Recipes
Serves up to 10 preschoolers for snack Ingredients: Strawberries (3) Clementines/tangerines (3-5) Apples (2) Sugar snap peas (20 peas, at least) Kale (10 leaves) Beets (2-3) Purple cabbage (1 cup, shredded) 2 cups each sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds (also for...
Jun 25, 2018 | Recipes
Recommended materials: Large bowl, knife, cutting board, potato masher (or fork), measuring spoons (or one big spoon and one small spoon), measuring cups. This recipe makes roughly 2 cups of hummus. Ingredients: 1 can garbanzo beans (15 oz) ⅓ cup sunbutter ¼ cup lemon...
Apr 23, 2018 | Recipes
This recipe requires a heat source Recommended materials: Skillet, two large bowls, cutting board, knife, grater (knife also works), spatula, measuring spoons (or one big spoon and one small spoon), measuring cups, paper or cloth towel. Ingredients: 4 TBSP olive oil...